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- Judy Hsu, DO | Medicine, Health Topics, Opinions | MedicineDeclassified
醫學解密 與 Dr.JUDY HSU 一起 培養對自己身體的好奇心, 一次一個醫學事實。了解更多 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 不想讀書? 觀看影片 讓我們進入 科學 查看更多 我在想什麼 Bite Sized Facts Concomitant use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and oral anticoagulants (OACs) in patients with atrial fibrillation was tied to an increased risk of major bleeding compared with OAC use alone, a case-control study suggested. The FDA added a boxed warning to the label of the osteoporosis drug denosumab (Prolia) over the risk of severe hypocalcemia in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD). For patients with long COVID, an 8-week online rehabilitation program with weekly supervised group exercise and psychological support sessions improved health-related quality of life, the randomized REGAIN trial showed. 查看更多 臨床經驗 Testing For Genital Herpes One of the questions that often come up during my clinical practice is how one can get tested for genital herpes. This is a great question as there are several ways to do this, and which method you pick depends on the scenario that the person is in. What To Know About Urinary Tract Infection Urinary issues are a common health concern that can affect both men and women. Some common conditions include urinary tract infections and urinary retention. Symptoms can include difficulty urinating, urgency, and stinging or burning sensations. Treatment options vary depending on the specific condition and severity, and it's important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist. Acne Formation and Treatment Acne is a common and relatable skin condition. With so much information out there about how to treat acne, it is hard to know what is the best approach for you skin. In order to know what products and medications to use, you first have to know how acne is formed and apply that knowledge to your current skin condition in order to find treatment that is the best fit for you. What's The Deal With Skin Warts? A quick guide to the cauliflower looking growth on your skin. The Breakdown On Urinary Tract Infection All you need to know about this pesky but yet common infection. How Well Do You Really Know Inflammation? Understanding inflammation is key to understanding many disease entities in the world of medicine. Testing For Genital Herpes A guide to help you figure out what is the best way to get tested for genital herpes. Deep Dive Into Thyroid Gland Take a closer look at how thyroid hormones are made on a cellular level inside the thyroid gland. Deep Dive Into Skin For those of you who want to learn about the finer details of skin on a microscopic level, this article is for you. 查看更多
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如果我說我現在對我的工作的感覺與我剛開始作為一名成熟的家庭醫生時的感覺相同,那我就是在撒謊。在多年的行醫生涯中,官僚作風和對績效指標的過度關注已經開始削弱我對我的手藝的熱情。我從事實踐的時間越長,就越懷念過去在醫學院的日子,那時我能夠沉浸在人體的奇蹟中,深入了解原因和方式的細節。經過一段時間的自我反省,我越來越清楚,我目前的職業軌跡是不可持續的,除非我找到一種方法,用我曾經對醫學的熱情給它充電。雖然我與患者之間的良好關係使我能夠維持生計,但我還需要再次培養好奇心的種子,以此來應對我工作中日益增長的行政性質。還有什麼比教人們了解人體更好的方法呢!我需要回頭再問問為什麼和怎麼做,但這一次我不會在一張試卷上複述我所知道的知識,而是通過多媒體平台與您分享這些知識。 所以,是的,在某些方面,Medicine Declassified 是個人尋求重拾醫學樂趣的一種追求,但我希望在此過程中我能激發並說服人們與我一起加入這個探索和理解醫學的潮流科學書呆子鏡頭下的人體. 向前!
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在 YouTube 上觀看 What To Know About Urinary Tract Infection Urinary issues are a common health concern that can affect both men and women. Some common conditions include urinary tract infections and urinary retention. Symptoms can include difficulty urinating, urgency, and stinging or burning sensations. Treatment options vary depending on the specific condition and severity, and it's important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist. Acne Formation and Treatment Acne is a common and relatable skin condition. With so much information out there about how to treat acne, it is hard to know what is the best approach for you skin. In order to know what products and medications to use, you first have to know how acne is formed and apply that knowledge to your current skin condition in order to find treatment that is the best fit for you. What Do Thyroid Hormones Do Thyroid test is one of the most commonly ordered blood work in the clinical practice. This is because thyroid hormones affect virtually all organ functions in the body, and when the thyroid level is off, it can pretty much look like anything. Let's take a closer look at exactly what thyroid hormones do and how they work behind the scene to support normal body functions. What Is Inflammation? The Internet is full of health articles about inflammation, and it is a word that gets tossed around a lot in conversation about disease processes. But do you know what inflammation is and how it happens? Join me on a quick tour of this fascinating physical phenomenon. Testing For Genital Herpes One of the questions that often come up during my clinical practice is how one can get tested for genital herpes. This is a great question as there are several ways to do this, and which method you pick depends on the scenario that the person is in.
- Judy hsu | Books
基本習慣:建立好習慣和改掉壞習慣的簡單且行之有效的方法 無論您的目標是什麼,Atomic Habits 都提供了一個經過驗證的改進框架——每一天。 James Clear 是世界領先的習慣養成專家之一,他揭示了一些實用的策略,這些策略將教你如何養成好習慣、改掉壞習慣,以及掌握導致顯著結果的微小行為。 如果您在改變習慣方面遇到困難,問題不在於您。問題是你的系統。壞習慣一次又一次地重演,不是因為你不想改變,而是因為你有錯誤的改變系統。你沒有達到你的目標水平。你下降到你的系統的水平。在這裡,您將獲得一個經過驗證的系統,可以將您帶到新的高度。 勝於健康:美國醫學符合美國夢 美國人一直是世界上最熱心的“增強技術”消費者。百憂解、偉哥和肉毒桿菌毒素注射只是一種熟悉模式的最新表現:熱情採用、公開抗議、偶爾的國會聽證會和呼籲自力更生。 卡爾·埃利奧特 (Carl Elliott) 對我們對自我提陞技術的反應做出了出色的診斷,他提出的問題闡明了美國人性格中的深層潮流:為什麼即使我們擁抱這些藥物、程序和療法,我們也會感到不安?我們在哪裡劃定自我與社會之間的界限?為什麼我們以受文化整合影響如此之大的方式尋求自我實現? 尋找記憶:一種新的心靈科學平裝書的出現——插圖, 記憶將我們的精神生活聯繫在一起。我們之所以成為現在的我們,很大程度上是因為我們學習和記住了什麼。但是大腦是如何創造記憶的呢?諾貝爾獎獲得者埃里克·R·坎德爾將強大的新心靈科學——認知心理學、神經科學和分子生物學的結合——的思想史與他個人對理解記憶的探索交織在一起。回憶錄與歷史、現代生物學與行為的巧妙結合,《尋找記憶》將讀者從 Kandel 在納粹佔領的維也納度過的童年時代帶到了 20 世紀最偉大科學事業之一的最前沿:尋找記憶的生物學基礎. 我一直在讀什麼
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